Review of “Internet Dating is not Like Ordering a Pizza” by Cherie Burbach

Cherie Burbach found the man who is now her husband through online dating after meeting sixty men in six months. She tells readers exactly how she did it and shows readers how they can do it too.

Single men and women who wish to take a pro-active approach to meeting someone special need to read Cherie Burbach’s online dating book, Internet Dating is not Like Ordering a Pizza. You can’t help but feel empowered and optimistic after reading it.

Cherie's upbeat approach to dating in Internet Dating is not Like Ordering a Pizza will lift your spirits.
Cherie’s upbeat approach to dating in Internet Dating is not Like Ordering a Pizza will lift your spirits.

Burbach’s message is for single people who are:

  • thinking about trying online dating
  • thinking about quitting internet dating
  • dating online but are not fully satisfied with the quantity or quality of dates
  • dating and have not yet even considered the idea of internet dating

Cherie Burbach’s personal story is quite remarkable and her enthusiasm and confidence are infectious.

Rules and Etiquette for Online Dating

Burbach answers all the questions that come up with online dating:

Cherie Burbach, author of Internet Dating is Not Like Ordering a Pizza
Cherie Burbach, author of Internet Dating is Not Like Ordering a Pizza
  • how many people should you correspond with at once?
  • what is the purpose of the coffee date?
  • at what stage of dating should a person take down their profile?
  • how long should people email before agreeing to meet?
  • who should ask for the meeting and how do you ask for it? etc.

Her clear-headedness is a breath of fresh air and her guidelines will give the reader confidence and a concrete plan for going forward.

 How to Write an Online Dating Profile

Burbach makes it very clear how to write a winning dating profile that brings forth the dater’s lovely and true qualities in an honest and eye-catching way. Her skill as a writer, and her clear understanding of boundaries and dating ethics combine to make her the worthiest of online profile writing coaches.

How Not to Approach Internet Dating

If you are already involved in internet dating, be forewarned: Burbach is not shy about pointing out examples of internet dating styles and attitudes that make a dater sound like a “jerk”. Let’s just say she does not candy-coat her criticism.

But because her advice is so well grounded in common sense, her harsh criticism seems like it would be takeable, even if it applied to the reader. After all, everyone needs someone to care about them enough to tell them when they are acting like, well, a jerk.

Burbach’s words take away the feeling of victim status that people can sometimes adopt when they are frustrated about being single. She empowers the reader by showing that there is indeed a way to take matters into one’s own hands. (But don’t think for a minute it will be as simple as ordering a pizza….)

Online Dating Safety

Burbach addresses the issue of safety and helps readers understand the necessity and the how-to of ensuring their own safety above all else.

Internet Dating is Not Like Ordering Pizza is truly the definitive resource for helping people understand how to approach and get the most out of online dating. Burbach helps readers who are tired of being single feel that singleness is a temporary state, while showing you that creating a satisfying and enjoyable single life will not only be a healthy and fulfilling thing to do, it will also make you a worthy partner.

A caveat: if you are looking for a book about specific online dating sites, look somewhere else. Slightly better organization of the subject would avoid the small bits of repetition the reader has to put up with, but this does not detract from the message.

The book is Internet Dating is Not Like Ordering a Pizza, by Cherie Burbach. ISBN: 978-0-9789747-5-6. Published in 2008 by Bonjour Publishing, Menomonee Falls, WI. You can visit Cherie’s website here.

To view or purchase Cherie’s book on, click here:
Internet Dating Is Not Like Ordering a Pizza: How to Write an Internet Profile That Gets Results

©Lisa C. DeLuca, all rights reserved.  It is a violation of copyright law to reproduce this work on the web or for business use without permission from the author. This article was originally published on the web on January 25, 2009. Please contact the author with your reprint request.


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